Computers for children

From: Max Eskin <>
Date: Tue Jan 12 21:12:28 1999

> Apparently you have not tried Visual Basic...

How is that as easy as ROM BASIC? You turn the computer, and Visual Basic
pops up immediately? I've yet to see such a computer (and if I do, I'll
bash it to pieces with an axe, but that's another story)!.

> At what level are you talking? I have not seen any sofware for kids (like
> the knowledge adventure or humongous entertainment series) that would run
> Linux. It is hard to get a kid used to play with windows for 6 years and
> tell him that it is crap and the one where you have to type long commands
> a lot better.

We're talking about teaching _about_ computers, not teaching _with_
computers. Granted, Alvin and the Chipmunks software won't run on Linux
(usually), and M$ Actimates won't work with it either...(echo "Hello,
World!" > /dev/barney, anyone?) but those things won't help someone who
wants to learn how a computer works.
Received on Tue Jan 12 1999 - 21:12:28 GMT

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