> Not _all_ 8 year olds will be able to solder, or will want to solder, but
> some will. And there's no reason not to let them have a go if they want
> to. It never did me any harm...
Heh. Depends on how you define "harm". I have a permanent scar up my left
wrist where I was soldering some HO scale train track together with the solder
gun. All things considered it was a learning experience... mind where your
gun tip is at all times. :) Seriously, a lot of people would cringe at the
idea of their child doing that, but c'mon, folks... I lived. :)
As far as good kits, Tech America, Frys (for those of you in the SF bay area)
and a number of the surplus houses sell honest to god solder the component on
the board kits. Jameco also has them.
Jim Strickland
Vote Meadocrat! Bill and Opus in 2000 - Who ELSE is there?
Received on Wed Jan 13 1999 - 19:47:34 GMT