On Thu, 14 Jan 1999, Bill Pechter wrote:
> memory I'd grab some SLC's... They're basically Sparc2's with mono frame
> buffer in a monitor. Just add external SCSI and run. They'd make neat
> Xterminals.
Except the CRTs in them are uniformly poor and fade horribly---if they
don't go fuzzy first. We've got about six thousand (or so it seems) piled
up in the corners here. They're awful machines. It could be amusing to
make a high-speed switched backplane to plug the CPU cards into to make a
SPARC/Linux Beowolf cluster, but beyond that.. eugh.
r. r e d _at_ b e a r s . o r g
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Received on Thu Jan 14 1999 - 15:50:50 GMT