OT: How can that be?

From: Ward Donald Griffiths III <gram_at_cnct.com>
Date: Thu Jan 14 23:45:43 1999

Sean 'Captain Napalm' Conner wrote:
> It was thus said that the Great Roger Merchberger once stated:
> >
> > >For-Next is interpreted when executed. It is at that point that the
> > >relevant machine language instructions are generated and executed. Machine
> > >language is low-level, C is slightly higher, BASIC is definitely
> > >high-level
> >
> > And Perl is some of most of these - at times faster than C, yet sometimes
> > simpler than Basic, almost as powerful as APL, and runs on more machines
> > than Java! (of course, APL runs on more machines than Java...)
> Now, how can Perl be faster than C when it's written in C?
> -spc (Or is it now written in Perl? 8-)

Are we allowed to count coding (Hell, typing) time in speed tests?
If that's allowed _anything_ in Perl is faster than C if it can be
written in Perl. (I'll recompute if somebody writes a kernel in
Perl, that being one of the things I _think_ can't be written --
but I'd love it if it was.)
Ward Griffiths <mailto:gram_at_cnct.com> <http://www.cnct.com/home/gram/>
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Received on Thu Jan 14 1999 - 23:45:43 GMT

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