Does anyone have, or know where I can get an IBM 5155 Portable computer?
I'm not necessarily concerned about originally, just as long as the monitor,
P/S, and keyboard work, and it's in fairly good condition ( I have a bunch
of parts). I'm basically looking for it for sentimental value, since a 5155
was the first IBM-compatible computer that I used. It was in the elementary
school that I went to, and neither the floppies or HD worked, so all it ran
was ROM BASIC, and saved the programs on cassette. Since I had an old
TRS-80, I was fairly familiar with BASIC, and wrote approx. a whole
cassette-full of programs on the thing during study halls, free periods,
When I was talking to my teacher over the summer, the subject of the 5155
came up, and I ended up asking him if he would find out if the school would
want to sell it. Well, the next year, I asked the teacher about it, and he
said that the school told him that I could have it. The only problem was
that over the summer, it had been "lost". Big surprise when they never
found it.
Anyway... If anyone has one that they'd like to sell/trade, please email me.
I have various XT parts, a 386 full-AT motherboard (upgrade for the 5170
M/B), and an old desktop case.
-Jason Willgruber
ICQ#: 1730318
Received on Sat Jan 16 1999 - 01:49:16 GMT