Anyone have an extra IBM 5155 laying around??

From: Jason Willgruber <>
Date: Sat Jan 16 17:16:58 1999

My teacher had replaced the XT motherboard with a 5150 board when the HD and
floppies quit, so that ROM BASIC could be used with the cassette port.
                 -Jason Willgruber
                  ICQ#: 1730318
-----Original Message-----
From: Tony Duell <>
To: Discussion re-collecting of classic computers
Date: Saturday, January 16, 1999 9:22 AM
Subject: Re: Anyone have an extra IBM 5155 laying around??
>> I'm not necessarily concerned about originally, just as long as the
>> P/S, and keyboard work, and it's in fairly good condition ( I have a
>> of parts).  I'm basically looking for it for sentimental value, since a
>> was the first IBM-compatible computer that I used.  It was in the
>> school that I went to, and neither the floppies or HD worked, so all it
>> was ROM BASIC, and saved the programs on cassette.  Since I had an old
>This bothers me. The 5155 (I have one, although not up for grabs) uses an
>XT motherboard, and AFAIK it never had a cassette port. Yes, there was
>ROM basic, but no way to save from it. The only way you could have used a
>cassette would be if somebody had designed an expansion card that grabbed
>INT15 (I think) and implemented the cassette port. If that card ever
>existed, then I want one!
>There never was an official IBM hard disk, but plenty of people put a
>short-length controller card in the machine together with a half-height
>hard drive.
Received on Sat Jan 16 1999 - 17:16:58 GMT

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