> But both my Linux system and the BSD system at work easily stay
> up for months at a time. How many production NT boxes under a
> real load will do that? (And of course a decade ago, smarts SAs
> tended to reboot UNIX boxes more often than that, anyway.)
None. I haven't seen an NT box up for months at a time without
a reboot due to something trivial like a network change that can be done
with a Unix box without a reboot.
> We're switching to Linux at work only because there's more software
> available, and we have more knowledge available for Linux than BSD.
Sounds reasonable... I've been using FreeBSD with 6+ months
uptime on web servers (only rebooted because of equipment moves in the lab).
> -Miles
Bill Gates is a Persian cat and a monocle away from being a
villain in a James Bond movie -- Dennis Miller
Received on Sun Jan 17 1999 - 08:08:05 GMT