Disasters and Recovery

From: Eric Smith <eric_at_brouhaha.com>
Date: Sun Jan 17 20:15:55 1999

Doug wrote:
> Sure, but oxidation is the enemy of lubricants, right? It's one thing to
> talk about survival of machines in daily use or in typical environments
> and another to talk about survival inside a sealed gas filled chamber.

Not relevant unless you actually plan to open the sealed HDA (better have
a cleanroom!), so that it is not filled with that nasty O2 stuff either.
Just putting the complete drive in an inert gas environment won't suffice;
some O2 will eventually leak out of the HDA, and some inert gas will leak
in, but there will be more than enough O2 in the HDA to cause problems.
Received on Sun Jan 17 1999 - 20:15:55 GMT

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