At 07:57 PM 1/17/1999 -0800, you wrote:
>On Sun, 17 Jan 1999, Doug wrote:
>> > Paper will last longer than anything we've been discussing so far (save
>> Where did you get that idea? Paper will disolve in just about any
>> solvent, including water, and is subject to tearing. Again, if we're
>> talking about preservation in controlled environments, a CD-ROM kicks
>> paper's butt.
>What are you talking about? The whole aversion to using CD's was the fact
>that they have a theoretical shelf life of only 50-100 years. Like I
>said, the Dead Sea scrolls lasted more than two millenia without much
>thought going into how to preserve them. And here you are talking about
>going thru the trouble of filling a chamber with inert gasses to promote
>preservation. Unless your line of thinking is to fill the chamber with
>water just to give paper a challenge.
>Paper has passed the test of time. You can go into antique book shops and
>find volumes hundreds of years old that are still very readable and very
>CDs, on the other hand, have only been with us a couple decades.
>> What makes some of today's technology fragile is simply the density, or
>> equivalenty, the lack of redundancy in a given area. A plain old EPROM
>> should be fine for 100 years if you include 100 copies of the information
>> within it.
>100 copies on what? 100 other EPROMs? On CD? Or encoded on paper?
>Sellam Alternate e-mail:
>Always being hassled by the man.
> Coming in 1999: Vintage Computer Festival 3.0
> See for details!
> [Last web site update: 01/15/99]
I still have people trying (without much success) to get video transferred
off their 1970 vintage 1/2 inch reels.
On the other hand I have several Edison cylinders from the early 1900's
that are still playable, although not exactly "hi-fi".
Charlie Fox
Charlie Fox
Charles E. Fox
Chas E. Fox Video Productions
793 Argyle Rd. Windsor N8Y 3J8 Ont. Canada
email Homepage
Received on Mon Jan 18 1999 - 07:10:05 GMT