Kaypros and Osbornes

From: Joe <rigdonj_at_intellistar.net>
Date: Tue Jan 19 22:44:58 1999

At 07:44 PM 1/19/99 -0500, you wrote:
>> ::Meanwhile, no one's ever heard of a Zorba, so I don't know why the two
>> ::heard about sold for over $100.
>> Okay, I'll bite: what's a Zorba?
>OK... it's a slick Z80 box (basically similar to a Kapro).
>It could read and write a number of disk formats and could run
>software written for a lot of machines, since it was memory mapped video
>and H19/Z19/VT52 compatible video you could actually hack it to
>do Kaypro video instead with a few changes.
>It was first made by Telcon, which made data test equipment.
>Telcon got in over their heads and needed bigger $$$ to continue.
>They were bought out by Modcomp (Modular Computers) who made mini's.
>They created a Modular Micros group. They eventually were sold
>to a suplus house called Gemini

  I wonder if that's the Gemini that is/was here in Orlando? They were
doing lots of that kind of stuff in the mid '80s.

Received on Tue Jan 19 1999 - 22:44:58 GMT

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