At 09:31 AM 1/20/99 -0500, William Donzelli wrote:
>> > What makes some of today's technology fragile is simply the density, or
>> > equivalenty, the lack of redundancy in a given area.
>Take a look at the specification for how CDs are formatted. You may be
>suprised to find out that a good chunck (more than just a few percent) is
>dedicated to error correction! That is why you do not hear all of the
>scratches in poorly handled CDs.
Well, hearing an error on an audio CD might be difficult.
If cost is no object, you could have the data pressed to a mastered
CD, as opposed to burning a CD-R at home. The "real" aluminum
mastering process entails a "glass master" that might last longer
than the aluminum foil version. Are there any CD mastering plants
that give you an option of true gold foil, to avoid oxidation?
- John
Received on Wed Jan 20 1999 - 14:02:27 GMT
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