picked up PDP11/23

From: Andrew Davie <adavie_at_mad.scientist.com>
Date: Wed Jan 20 19:43:27 1999

> I'm confused. Do you mean RL01 and RL02? If not, what on earth

No, I'M confused. RL01 and RL02 it is. D'oh.

> I'm really hoping you're jokeing about the nail. I'd recommend having the

Yeah of course I was joking. A thick safety pin should be all it needs.
I'm not daft.

As it turns out, my next door neighbour (who helped me pick up this thing)
used to service them all the time. And he's itching to do some work on this
one. So, everything will be done properly... he wants to clean it and
disassemble it before powering up; I think I'll let him have at it.
On a side note, he told me he used to have boxes and boxes of DEC
microfiche - sent to DEC personell only, containing all sorts of
troubleshooting, bug fixes, circuit info, etc etc. He said they were really
really good documentation on the DEC machines. Of course, probably thrown
out - but he may have some lying around at his Mom's place. That will be
interesting :)

I do have a couple of old magnetic tapes picked up the same time. Mostly
junk, I'd guess - but one has a VAX/VMS C compiler label, if anyone is
interested in that.


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Received on Wed Jan 20 1999 - 19:43:27 GMT

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