> Interested in swapping ? I wrote a simulator for a Siemens S 2002, and I have
> a copy of the Algol compiler that went with that machine (no operating
> systems at that time, ca. 1960). The S2002 was a binary-coded-decimal
> 12 digit machine, the one I worked on had 10 K words of core and 10 K words
> of drum, and all of that is in the simulator. I have compiled and executed
> Algol programs on it - the simulation on a PC runs of course faster
> than the original hardware at that time; do you have some timing
> estimates for your simulator ?
You have _WHAT_ ?
I _need_ it - no mater what kind of PC or PC-OS is needed.
Ich denke, also bin ich, also gut
Received on Thu Jan 21 1999 - 08:12:00 GMT