On Thu, 21 Jan 1999, Marvin wrote:
> Bill Sudbrink wrote:
> >
> > My roommate in college had their 12MHz 286 with 640K of *STATIC* RAM.
> > Oh man... I would have given my right arm for that machine. The front
> > panel
> > was really useful, not just that clone fake display set with jumpers. It
> > showed
> > POST codes, disk access info CPU speed... That was a cool machine.
> IIRC, the Everex had a similar front panel that would display the post codes
> and the CPU speed, at least for the 286. I have one in the garage that
> didn't head for the metal scrap because of that. One of these days, I'll
> have to actually check it out :).
Have you seen the LCD panels for Linux boxes?
IIRC, they are 5.25" form factor and fit in a disk bay. They use a serial port
and a floppy power connector. The software can be configured to display CPU
usage, uptime, just about anything you want. Very cool, I'd love to put one on
each of my servers.
I wonder if it could marquee "I wish I were an Alpha."? Just a thought.
David Wollmann
DST / DST Data Conversion
ICQ: 10742063
AIM: FathomS36
Received on Fri Jan 22 1999 - 01:01:44 GMT