Yes, I know, this is way off-topic, but the board I recently
obtained is unique... I was hoping someone on this list might
be able to give me an off-line pointer to info...
I obtained a PCI board produced by Evans and Sutherland which
is labelled 'RealImage 1000' and appears to be VGA compatible.
In an Alpha 600au, it identifies as Eclipse 4D30T... it has
an angled slot for a DIMM module, and I know the board comes
in 20 Mb and 32 Mb configurations.
I apparently supports (or is supported by) OpenGL...
I'd like to get as much bits 'n bytes (tm) level programming
info on this board, as well as information on what sort of
DIMM I need. The 32 Mb Dimm I have doesn't look anything like
the one I see in a picture of the board, so maybe some of the
32 Mb is already on-board.
Anyway, anyone with any information on this board, please
contact me, I'd like to see if I can get it running on
my Linux box.
Thanks in advance...
Megan Gentry
Former RT-11 Developer
| Megan Gentry, EMT/B, PP-ASEL | Internet (work): gentry! |
| Unix Support Engineering Group | (home): mbg! |
| Compaq Computer Corporation | addresses need '_at_' in place of '!' |
| 110 Spitbrook Rd. ZK03-2/T43 | URL: |
| Nashua, NH 03062 | "pdp-11 programmer - some assembler |
| (603) 884 1055 | required." - mbg |
Received on Fri Jan 22 1999 - 11:15:44 GMT