> On Thu, 21 Jan 1999 Tony Duell wrote:
> >Ouch!. 8" disks are difficult to find, 5.25" disks are difficult to find
> >(what about 1.2 Mbyte ones - are they still available?), 3" disks are
> >impossible to find. I'd better start hoarding them...
> You can still buy 8", 5.25" HD and 3" disks. Trouble is, they may be *Really*
> expensive; I noticed on the Imation web site a couple of months ago that
> (from memory) a box of 8" disks was over US$100.
> 3" disks are still available new from at least one place in the UK, though
> they are over 2 pounds each.
> -- Mark
For 8" floppies, check out
They sell a box of 10 8" floppies for $20 +/- $1. And bulk 8" floppies
(minimum quantity 500) are $1.75
Has anyone ordered 8" floppies from california Digital? They have double
density 8", but they dont specifically state its double sided.. Still, the
price is listed at $12.95
Whats the best source for 5.25" bulk floppy disks these days?
-Lawrence LeMay
Received on Sat Jan 23 1999 - 10:40:54 GMT