Altair Registry

From: John Lawson <>
Date: Sun Jan 24 14:39:17 1999

  With the current foment and debate concerning the mechanics of
free-market capitalism as applied to Our Hobby.. this is prolly

  It has been suggest to me (privately) that I have reacted to David
Freibrun's offer of a central Altair registry in a bitter and
unfriendly way.

  Such was not my intent, though Freudians are undoubtedly nodding
their heads sagely right now saying "JaJa, he only sinks he means dat.."

 For the *tone* of my message, I truly apologize.

 For the *content* of my message, I reiterate, a little more calmly,
that I have no intrinsic problem with a centrally-maintained
database of who gots what where. BUT... tied in to some of the
concerns Doug has/is raising [not that I agree with all of it,
Doug... :) ] I am really leery of providing personal info on a
rare and perhaps desirably valuable item in my possesion.. which, in
the case of my Altair, is not for sale or trade, and I'd rather it
not be stolen, either.

  That's all I tried to say, and I guess I got huffy in the process.

 If such a list is set up and maintained well and seems trustworthy,
I have no problem with listing my gear.

  David, I apologise if I offended you personally... again it was
not my intent.


Received on Sun Jan 24 1999 - 14:39:17 GMT

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