Very well said. I think everyone is familiar with EBAY by now and if we want
to use their service we will go there without Marvin's help. Marvin please do
not take this the wrong way. I think that Ebay is a nice place to buy and sell
and I am a registered user. I signed up to Classiccomp to learn about old
computers, not to learn about where the auctions are. I can find auctions all
day long on my Packard Bell cyrix 300 pentium class computer, all I need to do
is a net search .
Enough of that.
I have an Osborne 1 that I am trying to get to boot up. I bought new boot
disks and several programs for it. I get a message that says boot error. I do
not hear any noise from the disk drives, although the drive lights light up.
are these drives any harder to clean than the drives on an IBM PCJr and is
this a good thing to try to do? Any and all help is appreciated. Yes Marvin,
if you can help please do so.
Thank you for listening to my 2 cents,
John Amirault
107 2nd Ave.
Susquehanna, Pa. 18847
Doug wrote:
> On Mon, 25 Jan 1999, Marvin wrote:
> > While researching prices for some other stuff, I ran across these items.
> Only 130,000 more items to go, Marvin!
> For those of you who know how to use a web browser, rather than waste any
> more bandwidth on off-topic stuff from ebay, please go here and you can
> find the stuff without Marvin's help:
> -- Doug
Received on Mon Jan 25 1999 - 23:41:47 GMT