OT: SoCal TRW Swapmeet

From: Marvin <marvin_at_rain.org>
Date: Tue Jan 26 00:31:55 1999

John Lawson wrote:
> Or, on second thought... never mind. There's never any Good Gear
> there, anyway... nothing at all. Please sleep in. Wash the car.
> Walk your ferrets...
> I want all the Goodies for me......

Judging by my experience there, you almost always get your wish :).

Aside from the lottery, er, chance to find something unique there, it is a
just a fun place for us packrats. And if anyone is interested in finding out
what this ARDF thing I have been talking about is, come on down and I'll be
happy to throw in a how-to-do-it session as an added bonus.
Received on Tue Jan 26 1999 - 00:31:55 GMT

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