Unix for 8080/Z80? [Re: WooHoo!! PC/XT Unix anyone?]

From: Sam Ismail <dastar_at_ncal.verio.com>
Date: Wed Jan 27 00:27:18 1999

On Tue, 26 Jan 1999, Tony Duell wrote:

> > I actually have the hardware for the Winchester Disk System - it was the
> > controller I used to run my Big, Enormous, 27 Megabyte disk on my CP/M
> > system (SA4000 - 2 14inch platters! Big sucker.)
> And with a very complex headparking method.
> IIRC you had to put a clip into the head possitioner with the drive
> spinning at full speed to lock the heads. Then turn it off and put a
> screw through the drive pulley to lock the spindle. The problem comes
> when the clip and screw weren't stored with the drive....

Hmmm...I received two of these last year and didn't know about this. I
hope the original owner I got them from had parked the heads long ago, but
I can't be sure. They've gone thru two moves now so I don't know their

One came in a huge metal casing that is about 3' long by 18" wide and
about 5" in height. The other was bare. The funny thing is that I've had
an empty Morrow case that I've had since early 1997 that I now realize is
the case for this hard drive, so the bare one is now inside that :) They
were sold by Morrow in the late 70s/early 80s.

Sellam Alternate e-mail: dastar_at_siconic.com
Always being hassled by the man.

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Received on Wed Jan 27 1999 - 00:27:18 GMT

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