> I hope this is not a single-instance machine :-)
Nop, dream ended :)
> A few years ago I was given a Sharp MZ80-B computer + disk drive.
> Yesterday I got the user manual for the base machine, including the full
> schematics :-)
Need !
> Anyway, I've had a quick look at my machine. It appears to be pretty
> stuffed. The 3 internal options - extra 32K RAM, 8K graphics RAM 1 and
> the expansion cardcage are all installed. In the cardcage is the 8K
> graphics RAM 2 card, a floppy controller, a Sharp 16 in, 16 out user
> port, and a homebrew card (4 TTL chips, so it's going to be trivial to
> work out what it does)
THe MZ80s are basicly Z80 PETs :)
> What I don't have is any software. All that's in the ROM is a bootstrap
> for the cassette or disk. There's not even a machine code monitor :-(. So
> I am totally stuck.
There is - or at least should be - you are able to dump mem,
change mem and start a programm.
> Does anyone have one of these machines or know where to get the software
> from?
I'll have to look, back home are at least two books (and maybe some soft).
Ich denke, also bin ich, also gut
Received on Thu Jan 28 1999 - 05:40:02 GMT