Parallel C64's...

From: Roger Merchberger <>
Date: Fri Jan 29 17:02:31 1999

On or about 10:21 PM 1/26/99 -0800, Sam Ismail was caught in a dark alley
speaking these words:
>On Mon, 25 Jan 1999, Max Eskin wrote:

>> Using 80 C-64s in a single project? Heck, I'm curious...

>Were basically in the preliminary feasibility study stages of building a
>massively parallel vintage computer. The point? To demonstrate that old
>hardware that can be picked up for pennies can be combined to attain
>amazing amounts of computing power.

How much of the documentation / flowcharts / source code / etc. will be
open source / GPL / freeware?

I've always wanted to build a multi-processor CoCo (the 6809 was designed
with simple multiprocessing in mind) but never quite figured out where to
start. These documents might actually give me a clue.

Just wondering,
Roger "Merch" Merchberger (a.k.a. Daddy)
Roger "Merch" Merchberger --
SysAdmin - Iceberg Computers
===== Merch's Wild Wisdom of the Moment: =====
Sometimes you know, you just don't know sometimes, you know?
Received on Fri Jan 29 1999 - 17:02:31 GMT

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