The "Pink Shirt" book was The Peter Norton Programmer's Guide To The IBM
PC, subtitled "The ultimate reference guide to the entire family of IBM
personal computers". It was first published, incidentally, by Microsoft
Press in 1985.
At 09:19 AM 1/30/99, you wrote:
>At 08:45 PM 1/29/99 -0600, you wrote:
>>> >
>>> > Well well, people throw out the darndest things..
>>> >
>>> > I found a copy of a book by someone named Peter Norton. Looks to me
>like it
>>> > may have been his first book. Called 'inside the IBM PC'.
>>> Isn't this the well-known pink-shirt book (so called because of the cover
>>> picture).
>>Nope, it has a circuitboard as a background, and some horizontal fake
>>lightning on the cover.
> That's his first edition. The second also showed a circuit board but
>without the lightning. I remember the pink shirt book it was also PN but I
>don't remember exactly what the book was.
> Joe
Received on Sat Jan 30 1999 - 15:00:06 GMT
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