Ah yes... nice cool wx, mid 70s... good company, and everybody
and their dog turned out for it.. I got down there at 6:15 am and
the seller's set-up area was already half full.
I got the rest of the cables for my Prime system.. now I can see
if it boots.
I got a *bunch* of books... most came from five boxes that I
bought for $20... intending to take home and browse thru... but as
I was unpacking the truck, book-sharks came from everywhere and very
soon I had sold almost all of them... barely keeping the ones I
wanted, and neeless to say at a tidy profit... :) Not much in
the way of stunning classiccmp-related items... Doug got that one
(the Basis machine new-in-the-box)... someone left a poor Televideo
912 behind when they left so I rescued it. I found some more disk
packs for my CDC 9766 drive.
Next one is next month... the last saturday in February.. anyone
in the Los Angeles area then is invited to attend... there will be
a Classiccmp Bash/Banquet/Brag session right afterwards..
PS: Oooppss... I forgot about the Russian Typewriter I bought.. I
had to have it.. a nice 50's Royal Standard... all Cyrillic....
too cool!
Received on Sun Jan 31 1999 - 10:36:43 GMT
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