On 2 Jul 99 at 20:08, Jason (the General) wrote:
> >I thought the CGA monitor was a lot harder to damage. If you plug it into
> >an MDA card, it won't work, but I didn't think it did damage.
> >
> It doesn't. I plugged on into an MDA/Hercules card my mistake (thought it
> was a CGA). All that came up was horizontal fuzz. Put in a CGA card, and
> it worked fine. Your best bet is to plug it in and try it. If it works, go
> with it.
> ///--->>>
> -Jason Willgruber
> (roblwill_at_usaor.net)
> ICQ#: 1730318
> <http://members.tripod.com/general_1>
Think you're wrong, but can't remember the instances. It was related to when
you had both the color and Hercules card installed and tried to access the EMU
while plugged in to the CGA. Something about the horizontal resolution.
ciao larry
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Received on Mon Jul 05 1999 - 10:19:02 BST