VCF 3.0 Preview

From: Sellam Ismail <>
Date: Mon Mar 1 16:39:14 1999

On Tue, 2 Mar 1999, Andrew Davie wrote:

> Posting to the list because it's of general interest anyway.
> Jon Titus, inventor of the Mark 8, has asked me for more information about
> the Vintage Computer Fest; the website doesn't seem terribly up-to-date.
> His question: when and where is the next VCF? Sounds like he's considering
> the invitation I passed on!

Oh cool!

Well, since this was posted publicly I'll reply publicly about this year's
VCF. Yes, the web site is not very informative at the moment. I've been
meaning to do a lot of work on it, such as get the pictures from VCF 2.0
on there, add some more resources, etc. But I've been holding off since
my current ISP is charging me up the ass for excessive bandwidth usage,
and I haven't gotten around to setting up my own server to take advantage
of my cable modem yet. I've also been real busy with life's little

So anyway, VCF 3.0 is tentatively scheduled for this September at the same
venue as last year (Santa Clara Convention Center in Santa Clara,
California). I will hopefully have dates nailed down by the end of this
week or sometime next week for sure. The dates I wanted (Sept 25&26) are
already taken up by some other convention so unfortunately it won't be the
last weekend in September as I wanted it to be, unless I decide to change
the venue.

We have a lot of cool stuff planned for this year. It will be bigger and
better than last year, and I mean it! More money and more people will be
involved to make sure everything goes very smoothly. We already have some
funky projects in the works. We'll definitely be doing the Nerd Trivia
Challenge again. That was a big hit last year and a whole lot of fun.

The scheduling will be different this year. Instead of the exhibition and
flea market and speakers going on simultaneously all day, the speakers
will be during the first half of the day, maybe with multiple sessions
going on at the same time, and the exhibition and flea market will be open
from maybe 2pm until 5 or 6pm. This will give everyone a chance to both
hear the speakers they admire (John Titus perhaps) and view the exhibition
and shop the flea market without worrying about missing out on something.

If anyone has any suggestions for speakers they would like to see at the
VCF, please e-mail me with them.

If you are planning to exhibit at this year's VCF, stay tuned. In a few
weeks I'll have the guidelines for exhibiting. The exhibit this year will
be more of an indivudual thing, rather than what it has been which was a
dozen or so various collectors exhibiting a bunch of machines. I'd much
rather have many different individuals exhibiting one or two of their
favorite machines. And this year we plan to give away prizes for the best
exhibits, along with a general door prize (last year was an IMSAI 8080,
don't know what we'll give away this year).

A good example of the exhibits I would like to see are Doug Coward's
wooden replica of a DigiComp 1 and Jordan Ruderman's excellent Sol-20

I haven't discussed anything with The Computer Museum History Center yet
but I hope they will decide to participate again with an exhibit and also
a tour to their visible storage warehouse.

I'm currently soliciting for sponsorship so if anyone has an employer that
wants some cheap visibility amongst hundreds of Silicon Valley types then
please pass the word along to them.

Also, I will begin renting out flea market booths in a couple weeks. If
you plan to sell at VCF 3.0 then let me know.

So stay tuned, VCF 3.0 is on the way!

Sellam Alternate e-mail:
Always hasslin' the man.

                  Coming in 1999: Vintage Computer Festival 3.0
                   See for details!
                        [Last web site update: 02/15/99]
Received on Mon Mar 01 1999 - 16:39:14 GMT

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