Book Review: How to Build a Working Digital Computer

From: Doug <>
Date: Tue Mar 2 16:09:15 1999

On Tue, 2 Mar 1999, Max Eskin wrote:

> I have seen books make similar claims, and it was a play of words each
> time. What tools do you need to process these paperclips? Is a blast
> furnace mentioned somewhere? Seriously, I would like to hear more about it
> (could you post the table of contents, maybe?).

No blast furnace required. I'll try to scan a few pages this week. There
are 7 chapters, and the middle 5 each describe an important element and
end in one or more construction details. Here's what's need to build a
core memory:

        1 composition board
        3 supports (scrap wood)
        6 wood screws

Display circuit:
        44 paper clips
        42 machine screws
        42 nuts
        4 lamps
        1 tin strip
        3.5' hookup wire
        6' insulated hookup wire
        adhesive tape

Special tools:
        tin snips

-- Doug
Received on Tue Mar 02 1999 - 16:09:15 GMT

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