AUCTION - Eprom Programmer

From: Sellam Ismail <>
Date: Sun Mar 7 18:28:52 1999

On Sun, 7 Mar 1999, Chuck McManis wrote:

> I'm sorry Anthony but I have to object, we already had this discussion that
> this was not the list to talk about Ebay and now you are turning it _into_
> ebay. Couldn't these auctions also be run on the ccauction list that Doug
> hosts on ?

Chuck, I have to object to your objection.

I think what Anthony is doing is quite admirable. Instead of taking his
stuff directly to ebay, he's offering it here on the list with a very fair
auction system. He takes the highest bid by a certain date and sells the
item for that amount. He doesn't disclose the bids, so there's no chance
for last minute outbidding, and he keeps the winner's identity private.

I don't think what he's doing is much different than offering it for
outright sale really. He's simply giving himself a chance to get the best
price he can while at the same time offering it in a way that remains fair
for the buyer.

I don't think he's been excessive with his auctions either. So far it
seems to be one every week or so.

Sellam Alternate e-mail:
Don't rub the lamp if you don't want the genie to come out.

                  Coming in 1999: Vintage Computer Festival 3.0
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                        [Last web site update: 02/15/99]
Received on Sun Mar 07 1999 - 18:28:52 GMT

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