KayPro II Boot Disk

From: Todd Osborne <todd.osborne_at_barnstormer-software.com>
Date: Mon Mar 8 02:06:09 1999

This boot disks seem to be all the rave :) I need one for a KayPro II. I
assume this is CP/M, but I am not sure, since I never actually used this
computer. But if someone can provide the disk, I will have a perfect KII.

Todd Osborne
Senior Software Engineer
FMStrategies, Inc.
FMStrategies, Inc: tosborne_at_fmstrategies.com
Internet E-Mail: todd.osborne_at_barnstormer-software.com
Founder of the Virtual Windows Class Library (C++)
Anagrams? (http://www.wordsmith.org/anagram/)
Can you figure out this one? Want the answer? E-Mail me.
COCO VERDI MOM (Hint: Think Late 1970's Computer)
2 Wrongs Don't Make a Right, But 3 Rights Make a Left!
Received on Mon Mar 08 1999 - 02:06:09 GMT

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