At 07:13 PM 3/8/99 -0600, you wrote:
>Hello folks:
> I have the following items. If anyone is interested, drop me an email, if
>not they will go to eBay. I must stress that I would consider these "PARTS
>ONLY", I do not intend to represent them as any thing in working condition.
> While they may work, they are AS IS!
> AC-30 Tape interface (dual tape IIRC) card
> MP-A2 CPU card
> SSB M-16-A Memory card
> MP-LA Com (IIRC) card
> MP-B Motherboard
> MP-P Power supply card (cap and bridge included)
> Lower Case Half (front, rear, and bottom pan -- Faceplate and 2 buttons
I'd be interested in the SWTPC item(s?). Does the below imply a price for
the lot or per card?
> These items will go to eBay at < $10.00 each if nobody snags em first, the
>dumpster if nobody grabs them there.
The Computer Garage -
Computer Garage Fax - (503) 646-0174
Received on Mon Mar 08 1999 - 23:02:52 GMT