On Wed, 17 Mar 1999, Joe wrote:
> At 06:27 PM 3/17/99 -0800, you wrote:
> >Did you see me say anywhere that I actually *wanted* to sell it :)?
> >Actually, since I start almost everything out at that price, habbit just
> >took over. For the most part though, I just consider this part of an
> >educational campaign to let the buyers there know there are other computers
> >besides Altairs!
> I'll bet an original Leo computer would bring a pretty price on E-bay!
And if a listmember sold it there without first offering to the
members of classiccmp, that listmember would be beaten like a
baby harp seal. Repeatedly. Since E-slay buyers show no evidence
of giving a damn about value rather than cost.
Ward Griffiths
"the timid die just like the daring; and if you don't take the plunge then
you'll just take the fall" Michael Longcor
Received on Thu Mar 18 1999 - 01:31:24 GMT