The yuppies can keep the case, I'd keep the internals. Heck, I'd install it in a
wooden box!
"Fred Cisin (XenoSoft)" wrote:
> On Wed, 24 Mar 1999, bluoval wrote:
> > Why not just build a kit w/out the case, or sell the case seperate? I'd gladly
> > buy a kit like that and install it in a metal file cabinet. That'll cut the
> > costs, if metalwork is that expensive.
> The separate sales of the case could be the big money maker! I would
> think that a lot of the clueless yuppies that overbid for them on e-bay
> would be even happier with an "IMSAI" case containing a current Pentium
> motherboard. (How many here are familiar with Excalibur cars?)
> --
> Grumpy Ol' Fred
> <A HREF="">XenoSoft</A>
Received on Wed Mar 24 1999 - 17:10:04 GMT