At 10:11 PM 3/29/99 -0800, Derek wrote:
>> Ummm... (hollerith) card sorters (at least the IBM 83 sitting here beside
>> me) have 13 bins.
>> 0-9, 11, 12, and reject... B^}
>I knew that. Anyway, I said they had about 11 bins. Sometimes it pays to
>be vague.
>Can you actually use the sorter yet or is it still blocked by a huge pile of
>stuff? Last I saw, you could put cards in but not take them out (easily).
Well... as I'm in the middle of rearranging the garage (yet again) (come on
good weather!), it varies from day to day... ;^}
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Received on Tue Mar 30 1999 - 00:19:10 BST