Okay, here's a msg for you folks who want an IBM 029 card punch. It's
available in Indianapolis.
Please contact Joe Montano <jmontano_at_iquest.net> to obtain it. Act on it
ASAP as his boss may get rid of it soon.
And no, I didn't simply forward the msg to the list without first recalling
exactly what the machine in question was (in ref. to that DECMATE
embarassment to me a few days ago . . . :-\ ) I've USED this type machine
so know there *may* be belts inside of it ;)
I have asked Joe, thru NADCOMM, to give a bit more info. He sent a little
trying to compare it to a Teletype model 28 which only a few of us on
ClassicCmp know. NADCOMM is the North American Data Communications Museum
located in Fallbrook, CA.
>Date: Sun, 2 May 1999 07:12:55 -0700
>To: North American Data Communications Museum Staff:;,
> Christian Fandt <cfandt_at_netsync.net>
>From: Don Robert House <drhouse_at_abac.com>
>Subject: Fwd: Possible equipment for NADCOMM
>I asked Joe about size and weight. He is going to get back to me.
>Any comments regarding this equipment?
>>From: "Joe Montano" <jmontano_at_iquest.net>
>>To: <drhouse_at_abac.com>
>>Subject: Possible equipment for you.
>>Date: Thu, 29 Apr 1999 15:08:10 -0500
>>MIME-Version: 1.0
>>X-Priority: 3
>> I know that isn't exactly Teletype equipment but...
>> I have come across an IBM model 29 card punch and was wondering if you
>>might like it for the museum, otherwise it is dumpster bait.
>> It came out of the Indianapolis Ameritech office and has sat in our
>>company's warehouse ever since.
>>Let me know.
<<<<<< Follow-up msg from later in the day 2 May: >>>>>>>>
>Date: Sun, 2 May 1999 17:01:48 -0700
>To: Christian Fandt <cfandt_at_netsync.net>
>From: Don Robert House <drhouse_at_abac.com>
>Subject: Fwd: Re: Possible equipment for NADCOMM
>Cc: "Joe Montano" <jmontano_at_iquest.net>,
> North American Data Communications Museum Staff:;
>Would you help us find a home for this card punch. None of us want this
>item going to the dumpster.
>>From: "Joe Montano" <jmontano_at_iquest.net>
>>To: "Don Robert House" <drhouse_at_abac.com>
>>Subject: Re: Possible equipment for NADCOMM
>>Date: Sun, 2 May 1999 14:09:57 -0500
>>MIME-Version: 1.0
>>X-Priority: 3
>>This unit is definitely NOT as heavy as a 28 as I had no problem lifting up
>>the HEAVY end. I would est. the weight as closer to 100 lbs. and maybe a
>>little more but not much more.
>>It is about the size of a small child's desk with it being deeper than a 28
>>but not quite as long.
>>I feel that it most definitely should go to some sort of museum or
>>collection but I do not have any connections and I figured that you would,
>>and I was right.
>>Yes, the unit is still in the Indy area and I have told the boss that there
>>is someone interested in it for their museum/collection so he is holding on
>>to it for a little while longer but I can't guarantee(sp?) how long his good
>>nature will hold out.
>>If you could please fwd. this on to whoever you think might be interested in
>>it, we would all be grateful.
-- --
Christian Fandt, Electronic/Electrical Historian
Jamestown, NY USA cfandt_at_netsync.net
Member of Antique Wireless Association
Received on Mon May 03 1999 - 08:01:42 BST