Looking for Intel pds Prom programming software

From: Joe <rigdonj_at_intellistar.net>
Date: Mon May 3 14:06:36 1999


   Does it take the same software that the MDS systems take? I have one
with the Eprom burner so the software should be there too. It's on 8" disks
though. I've never heard of a portable Isis computer. Tell me more. Mine
is only portable if you have a truck!


At 09:26 AM 5/3/99 -0700, you wrote:
>I'm trying to put together a Prom Programming station based on the iPDS
>(Intel's Isis luggable) computer. I've managed to locate the OS, and some
>applications but am still in need of the Prom programming software. I
>think it was titled 'IPPS'.
>Anybody else out there have some of this very old Intel stuff?
>George Rachor
>George L. Rachor Jr. george_at_racsys.rt.rain.com
>Beaverton, Oregon http://racsys.rt.rain.com
>United States of America Amateur Radio : KD7DCX
Received on Mon May 03 1999 - 14:06:36 BST

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