Emulex board question

From: Pete Turnbull <pete_at_dunnington.u-net.com>
Date: Tue May 4 02:21:04 1999

On May 3, 20:49, John Lawson wrote:

> Anyway.. this particular Emulex Unibus board has the model number
> SCO210101-CXL sub number 4039 H. The abovementioned website lists
> a part number of SCO2 as a "Unibus Disk Controller" and has a price
> of $150, but that's all it says.

> Anyone have any pointers to info on this card? Or even better,
> manuals that I can bribe to have copied?

This is an SMD drive controller. Is it a hex-height card or a quad? All
my SC02s are quad-height Q-Bus controllers.

An SC02 can handle two physical SMD drives. BTW, I think you mean one
60-pin and two 26-pin (not 36) connectors. There are several versions of
the firmware for SC02s, emulating different DEC drives. I don't have my
manuals to hand, but IIRC the -C version emulates RK06/7. Depending on the
size of the attached physical drive(s), it will emulate several logical
drives. You might find a manual at


but the site doesn't seem to be up at the moment so I can't check :-(

Pete						Peter Turnbull
						Dept. of Computer Science
						University of York
Received on Tue May 04 1999 - 02:21:04 BST

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