80s video game commercials

From: Huw Davies <H.Davies_at_latrobe.edu.au>
Date: Tue May 4 08:22:28 1999

At 05:35 04/05/99 +0000, Eric Smith wrote:
>> Erm, not quite. Twiggy said "Diggy-Diggy," and IIRC, they actually gave him
>Sounded like "bee-dee bee-dee" to me. You'd think by the 25th century that
>they could make robots without speech impediments.

Look, given that they were using a 1GHz PDP-8 on a chip with 8KW of memory,
you're luck they got it to walk, let along talk and chew gum :-) The linux
port was a real pain!

 Huw Davies | e-mail: Huw.Davies_at_latrobe.edu.au
 Information Technology Services | Phone: +61 3 9479 1550 Fax: +61 3 9479
 La Trobe University | "If God had wanted soccer played in the
 Melbourne Australia 3083 | air, the sky would be painted green"
Received on Tue May 04 1999 - 08:22:28 BST

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