> > In fact, I also don't use any fancy integrated software - just
> > a plain mail reader, that's also the reason why I always put
> > an URL on a single line - it is just the easyest way to pick it
> > via your mouse and insert it in the 'Location' box, or on the
> > command line (Yes, my Linux Box never had seen any X - just
> > marking with the GNU mouse, press ALT-Fx, type 'lynx' and insert
> > the marked URL). (Or just configure your PINE in using Lynx as
> > a subshell.)
> Can you give a brief tutorial on configuring PINE that way, Hans?
Brief ? Two ways:
a) use the spellchecker interface and add lynx via a script (I
did use perl, but shell might be possible) or
b) modify the sources and hook it on your own comand - not that
complicated (Source at
if not within your actual LINUXarchives :)
Der Kopf ist auch nur ein Auswuchs wie der kleine Zeh.
Received on Fri May 07 1999 - 10:44:17 BST