Ram Meenakshisundaram wrote:
> Ram Meenakshisundaram wrote:
> >
> > Oh, there is another board too. It is also a size
> > 4 tram and has a T805-G30S and the board is
> > from INMOS. There is a label on one of the IC
> > chips (written using a pen, so might not be
> > reliable) "B417-17 SE006".
> >
> Oops, I just found the label on the board and it
> is a B417. Anyone know what a IMSB417 is??
Well, I think I know what it is. It might be a 4Meg
T805-G30S tram (must be an old one, never seen
a size 4 tram that holds 4Megs. It is usually size 1).
Can anyone confirm this??? Thanks
( o o )
| Ram Meenakshisundaram
| Senior Software Engineer
| OpenLink Financial Inc
| .oooO Phone: (516) 227-6600 x267
| ( ) Oooo. Email: rmeenaks_at_olf.com
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Received on Fri May 07 1999 - 11:41:05 BST