Identify this transputer board

From: Ram Meenakshisundaram <>
Date: Fri May 7 12:47:14 1999

> Finally, I got an ethernet tram without any cables.
> What type of cable to I need to use it. It is an IMSB421
> tram.

Apparently, the IMSB421 is not an ethernet tram afterall.
It appears to be what is known as an GPIB (stands for
general purpose interface board maybe??). What can I use
this for????


      ( o o )
|                        Ram Meenakshisundaram
|                        Senior Software Engineer
|                        OpenLink Financial Inc
|  .oooO                 Phone: (516) 227-6600 x267
|  (   )   Oooo.         Email:
 ---\ (----(   )--------------------------------------
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Received on Fri May 07 1999 - 12:47:14 BST

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