Atari modem

From: Lawrence Walker <>
Date: Fri May 7 11:47:47 1999

On 7 May 99 at 6:19, Doug Spence wrote:

> Greetings,
> I picked up a rather interesting 8-bit Atari system a while back.
> It is an Atari 130XE with 1050 floppy drive and a modem.
> What makes this system interesting is that it has been designed to be more
> portable. The 130XE's power supply, 1050's power supply, and modem, are all
> in a grey sheetmetal box, and the 1050 is bolted to the top. There is a large
> carrying handle on the front of the box, two illuminated power switches, a
> large unused red lamp, and an LED that is connected to the modem.
> On the back of the box is the power cord connector, a 7-pin DIN socket for the
> 130XE's power connection, a 15-pin D connector, and an unused 9-pin D
> connector. The telephone cable feeds through the crack between the box's lid
> and its side, and the power connector for the drive is fed through a hole
> drilled in the back.
> 14 pins of the 15-pin connector are wired up inside, so it looks like the
> modem is supposed to connect to the "Expansion" connector on the back of the
> 130XE (14-pin edge connector). Of course, whatever cable connected the
> computer to the modem has been lost (it was a Salvation Army find, so I was
> extremely lucky to get the power cable and SIO cable).
> The major part on the modem board is an NEC D80C48C. The board has the Atari
> logo etched on it. There appears to be only 8 actual connections to the
> board.
> Does anyone know what kind of modem this is? And which contacts should be
> wired to which contacts on the Expansion port?
> Thanks.

 Hi Doug, nice find. The 130xe is a nice little box. Looks like a junior size
ST. My favorite of the Atari 8-bits.
 Based on how the guy put this together, I'm wondering whether it is indeed a
modem. The 8-bit Ataris used an RS232 interface box to connect to printers,
modems, etc. The Atari model was an 850 but there were also 3rd party versions,
the MEO and the Black Box.
 Atari did make some printers and modems but you need the 850 to get RS232 to
connect to most peripherals or another computer to transfer disks.
 The comp.sys.atari.8bit newsgroup is quite active and has an excellent FAQ.
 Did you get system disks with it ? Let me know by e-mail and I can supply you
with some if necessary.

ciao larry

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Received on Fri May 07 1999 - 11:47:47 BST

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