I wrote:
> I hope this helps,
> --Doug
I should have added that my next logical step, if I had continued
with this project, would have been to wait pass the sync bit.
Then time two pulses together and if the first pulse ended BEFORE
one half of the length of both pulses then it's a zero bit and if
it ended AFTER one half of the length of both pulses then it's a 1.
And use the parity bit to check the result. If there is an error
then rewind the file back to the last sync bit.
I hope that's clear :) and helps,
Doug Coward dcoward_at_pressstart.com (work)
Sr. Software Eng. mranalog_at_home.com (home)
Press Start Inc.
Museum of Personal Computing Machinery
and the new
Analog Computer Museum and History Center
Received on Sun May 09 1999 - 04:17:22 BST