Upon the date 10:18 PM 5/8/99 +0000, Lawrence Walker said something like:
> I picked up a Zenith Data Systems all-in-one box from the trash a few days
>ago. Lovely cosmetic condition. Unfortunately there's no response on the
>monitor. The fan spins up so it is getting power. Other than the Heath
>on the back it has no model #. It looks like the pictures I have seen of the
>Z-100. Do the first models of Z-100 have a model # on them ?
> It has a siemens fdd and a really nice FD image decal labelled Xidex. The
>sockets are labelled DCE and DTE , connected to a serial I/O daughter card,
>FR-1 a 34 pin socket FR-2 a40 pin which are connected to a Disk Interface
>daughter card and the fdd has a daughter card Disk I/O and a free hanging
>connector for an external floppy. The serial I/O is hard wired to another
>labelled Albrektson Sound/Clock H-89 which has a lead to an external RCA
>connector Cassette I/O as well as a battery pak and a mini-speaker.
> There is a video card on the bottom. The vertical mounted motherboard has
>for 5 daughter cards and a Z-80 CPU. There's 48 k mem and an additional 16 k
>daughter card.
> Another card the same dimension is mounted behind the MB and is labelled
>Terminal Logic. It also has a Z-80 as well as a Motorola 6845L chip.
> Any Z-100 people out there ?
Hi Larry,
Yes, I am, but as I indicated in the revised subject line above, your
machine is an H/Z-89. It predates any Z100's by several years. The words
"Albrektson Sound/Clock H-89" and the comments " > There is a video card on
the bottom. The vertical mounted motherboard has pins for 5 daughter cards
and a Z-80 CPU." certainly proves that it's H89!
First thing is to see if the built-in video terminal works and go from
there. There is a simple cable running between the Terminal Logic Board and
the CPU Board which carries the RS-232 signal for communication. All my
H/Z89 docs are buried somewhare in this danged house as we've recently
moved. No time to sort and catagorize many things yet. It's gridlock almost
like the old house was :( Knowing our resident archivist, Tony Duell, I
bet he will have docs in his collection and could take it from here. If he
by chance doesn't have the docs at hand, either someone else here could
jump in or I could excavate this house and find them within several days or
less. Let us know. Good luck with your find!
Regards, Chris
-- --
Christian Fandt, Electronic/Electrical Historian
Jamestown, NY USA cfandt_at_netsync.net
Member of Antique Wireless Association
Received on Mon May 10 1999 - 08:06:22 BST