Commodore cassette format

From: Doug Spence <>
Date: Tue May 11 08:47:56 1999

On 07-May-99, John Foust wrote:
>My web site at <> (winner of the "Geek Site

>Of The Day" Award on October 16, 1996) has some of my aspirations to
>recover data this way, too.

Nice site. You say that you would like to see more samples... what
kind and what for? :)

I was thinking of adding a page to my own site with the sounds of
various cassette formats. Not complete programs (not enough room!) but
just enough to get a feel of what the storage format sounds like.

I find that there's a certain character to cassette formats, and most
people don't even seem to know that cassette tape was used for home
computer storage at one time.

(I was also thinking of collecting character set information and having
a page just for the different character sets from historical machines.
I have the time now, so I guess I should do it!)

BTW, what is a "Hurkle" tape? :) And I saw that funny shape (the wave
on your page) in my PET program sample, and thought it was messed up,
even though that particular program loaded fine. So I guess that mess
is supposed to be there. :)

>- John

Doug Spence
Received on Tue May 11 1999 - 08:47:56 BST

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