Commodore cassette format

From: John Foust <>
Date: Tue May 11 11:00:05 1999

At 10:16 AM 5/11/99 -0500, Doug Spence wrote:
>On 08-May-99, Richard A. Cini, Jr. wrote:
>>Here's a transcript of a converstation I had with Jim Butterfield about
>>the Commodore cassette format:
>This is really great, thanks a lot!

Jim's available at <> if you have more questions.

At 08:47 AM 5/11/99 -0500, you wrote:
>(I was also thinking of collecting character set information and having
>a page just for the different character sets from historical machines.
>I have the time now, so I guess I should do it!)

I've had that notion, too, but have had no flood of spare time.

>BTW, what is a "Hurkle" tape? :)

Hurkle was a game, way back when. I don't remember the theme offhand.
I don't know where it originated, but I'm sure it was in Computer Lib
and/or David Ahl's early books.

- John
Received on Tue May 11 1999 - 11:00:05 BST

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