(fwd) Free HP-9000 system

From: Don Maslin <donm_at_crash.cts.com>
Date: Wed May 12 00:57:08 1999

From: Don Maslin <donm_at_cts.com>
To: classiccmp_at_u.washington.edu
Subject: (fwd) Free HP-9000 system

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From: zonn _at_ zonn . com (Zonn)
Newsgroups: sdnet.forsale
Subject: Free HP-9000 system
Date: Tue, 11 May 1999 23:31:58 GMT
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Somebody out there must collect these old things?

System includes:

Qty Part
---- ----
  1 HP-9000 CPU
  2 HP-9144 Tape drive
  1 HP-9121 Floppy Disks
  1 HP-9122 Floppy Disks
Many Sketch Pro digitizing pads
  2 Think Jet Printers (HPIB)
  2 Paint Jet Printers (HPIB)
Some Miscellaneous odds and ends, includes box of operating system tapes.

  0 Documentation

First person to email, and is able to pick up (or I'm willing to drop off) takes
it all. But you got to be smart enough to remove all the spaces in the
following email address:

   zonn _at_ zonn . com

I'm not interesting in shipping this anywhere, I'm in the North County area of
San Diego, CA

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Received on Wed May 12 1999 - 00:57:08 BST

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