Upon the date 09:55 AM 5/11/99 -0700, Marvin said something like:
>I haven't heard anything about people going to Dayton except for Ethan. Not
>sure how to get in touch with anyone there, but I will be speaking at the
>ARDF forum Saturday morning and plan to compete in the foxhunt in the
>afternoon. There are no current plans to get together and I will be out of
>email contact for a few days. It should prove to be an interesting time, and
>I plan on killing off the swap area Friday :)!
Hi Ethan, Marvin and others who my be there:
I've suddenly been able to shift my skeds to come to Dayton too. I'll be
staying at my uncle's house over in Xenia. He's been asking me for years to
come down for that event. He's a computer enthusiast, not a collector
though. Instead of me taking my mother down to her sister's place in
Lexington, KY on the 18th, I talked her into going down today and I go back
up to Dayton area which is only 2-3 hrs north of Lex. So, Friday I'll be
lurking in the fleamarket to catch those DEC docs and other needed bits
plus some needed items for my radio collection. Not much money to spend
though :( But, at least I'll see this event which I've heard about for
decades :)
Don't know how to connect as I'm not a ham at present. If my cousin-in-law,
who will be working at the Hamvention, is near I'll have him call over the
public rptr. freq.
Good luck with your shopping! I gotta hit the road now!
Regards, Chris
-- --
Christian Fandt, Electronic/Electrical Historian
Jamestown, NY USA cfandt_at_netsync.net
Member of Antique Wireless Association
Received on Thu May 13 1999 - 06:30:06 BST