Dayton Hamvention

From: Ethan Dicks <>
Date: Thu May 13 08:12:42 1999

--- Christian Fandt <> wrote:
> Upon the date 09:55 AM 5/11/99 -0700, Marvin said something like:
> >
> >I haven't heard anything about people going to Dayton except for Ethan...
> Hi Ethan, Marvin and others who my be there:
> I've suddenly been able to shift my skeds to come to Dayton too...


> ...So, Friday I'll be lurking in the fleamarket to catch those DEC docs
> and other needed bits...

These days, there's not much DEC stuff. When I started going in 1982,
you could find things on maybe as much as 5% of the tables. Now, it's
much less than 1%.

In any case, I'll be at work in Columbus on Friday. I'm only going on



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Received on Thu May 13 1999 - 08:12:42 BST

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