As some of you may know, I'm mad-keen on Russian calculators and computers -
see my site Museum of Soviet Calculators at
Although I dropped off this list some time ago, and remain off, I thought
I'd write and give a "brief" summary of information to hand. The data here
comes from my many Russian "agents", and mostly is the first time that any
of this has been presented in the West. It's long, some is missing, but
it's really fascinating, no?
a site on Soviet computers - to complement my calculator site - and I would
be reluctant to ever again share information if the rug is pulled from under
me! After all, it takes a lot of time and effort to dig up information.
Copying it is easy. I do welcome feedback/questions on this info - I can
pass on specific requests to my sources.
Before presenting the data, a brief plug - I have two handheld Russian
programmable calculators for sale - the MK-85 and MK-85M (both viewable on
my site). Please contact me privately, at if
you're interested in purchase.
And now, for the interesting (disorganised) stuff... mostly unedited
13.05.99 in our collection Sinclair-compatible of computers one more copy
has appeared. Externally it looks so: the system block of weight 6,8 kg with
the remote keyboard! It was assembled by the radioamateur in 1993. All local
boys played on this computer.
I expected, that its appearance will be more aesthetic and beautiful,
namely: the keyboard and motherboard in one case with the remote disk drive
of 5 inches and separately power unit on 12V and 5V. And there was, that
almost all in one box and rather heavy because of a power unit and using of
metal for the plating of the case. Besides the buttons on the keyboard are
not closed by the decorative panel, there are no labels on 2 buttons, and
the system block will not sustain a long road because of bad fastening...
But, most important, that all this design works! The machine is connected to
a socket SCART of the TV set. And most interesting is made in disk
operational system. It refers to as DISK SERVICE. It is very simple in work
and is intended only for game use, though probably partial use and for the
decision of practical tasks. In a basis of system nonfile architecture, and
blocks lays. DISK SERVICE divides a flexible disk into 16 blocks. One game
or condition RAM can be stored only in each block which existed in the
computer at the moment of pressing the button NMI. Naturally, it is possible
to save and to load game, and also to read of directories of a disk! At the
moment of recording of game on a disk the machine requests a name of the
program and writing it on a disk. At reception a directory the computer
looks through each block and gives out the list of games. Due to an
opportunity of reception of the list of games (the directory of a disk) DISK
SERVICE is better, than DISK MO!
NITOR. Besides DISK SERVICE faster loads and reads blocks. On all other
parameters it considerably concedes DISK MONITOR, because last has
opportunities of the built - in toolkit and debuggings of the programs.
Thus in our Russian gallery of microcomputers there are following computers:
1). "Leningrad-1" without the disk drive (is ready to travel to Sydney)
2). "Baltic" with the disk drive and operational system DISK MONITOR (I
prepare to sending. I do not like its heavy power unit and unreliability at
work with the disk drive - I removing now).
3). "Baltic" with the disk drive and operational system DISK SERVICE. To me
has got to it about 49 disks with the information in a format DISK SERVICE.
Probably, I should it result in more pleasant condition, to reduce of weight
and other. Or to leave all in an initial condition. What do you think in
this occasion?
4). Byte without the disk drive. Was let out in Belarus. While I have faulty
copy, but, now I undertake efforts on its repair or search of working model.
5). "Anqstrem". In a basis - 13 microcircuits. Somewhere at home at my
parents the system board lays. When I shall hold it in hands, ladies
acknowledgement(confirmation). But to this payment are necessary still
keyboard, case and power unit. And only then it will be the working
computer. Besides this payment can be and faulty. What you think in this
When I shall hold her(it) in hands, I shall inform acknowledgement. But to
this board are necessary still keyboard, case and power unit. And only then
it will be the working computer. Besides this board can be and faulty. What
do you think in this occasion?
4. One boy offers me the microcomputer under the name "SPECTR-001". I while
think. What this such? It is constructed on the basis of the Soviet
8-digital processor KP580BM80 (western analogue, if not changes to me
memory, i8080). 32 kilobytes of the RAM, 2 kilobytes of the RAM. It Is
assembled on the basis of the circuit of the microcomputer RADIO RK86 and
programs compose to it. RADIO RK86 was developed by the Soviet
radioamateurs. Its circuit was published in a magazine "RADIO", released on
all territory of the USSR and all radioamateurs could quietly collect the
computer on the basis of the publications and recommendations in this
magazine. Thus, it was one of the first Soviet official computers assembled
on domestic element base. Except for it was still MIKROSHA (circuit was
published in a magazine "RADIO") and SPECIALIST (the circuit was published
in a magazine "MODELIST-CONSTRUCTOR"). Then has appeared ORION with an
opportunity of connection of the disk drive and other m!
odels. Approximately in this the Soviet people have opened for self the
ZX-SPECTRUM and have made the final choice for the benefit of it...
And in the beginning there was a magazine "RADIO" with the circuit RADIO
RK86 (86, probably, name of year of the publication of the circuit). Then
this circuit began to be realized by an industry with small completions
under other commercial names. One of them - "SPECTR-001".
I continue translation of the article " BK - supercomputer " (part 2).
" The Greatest damage for BK is put by amateur perfomance of
half-competent enthusiasts - rationalizers. And already it is complex to
result all park of these machines in the coordinated condition so that
all available self-made devices have not turned to monuments of the
vainly spent means and health. Nevertheless, we shall try..
WISHING to write the programs for BK - more than it is enough. ABLE it
to make too burn by desire to apply the knowledge and skills on more
wishing "hard". The enthusiasts already have included the tools and the
circuits it long of desired "hard" wait..
So, what the processor 1801BM1 can?
If to address to the directories and operation manuals, it is possible
to find out the rather interesting items of information: "... The
processor 16-bit... Address space 32 K ". And it, perhaps, most
unintelligible for amateurs. Because in any textbook on circuitry it is
possible to find the formula, from which follows, that 16 categories are
64 K of various addresses... The business here that with the help 16 bit
of the bus of the address the processor addresses both to 16 bit of the
data, and to the senior half of same data. Therefore 16 bit data (words)
have only even addresses (or only half from 64 K possible), and the odd
addresses allow the processor to address only to 8 - bit data (senior
half of word of the data, or to senior byte). The reference to bytes is
necessary for the processor to work with the texts, which symbols are
coded in the KOI 7 and 8- bit data. Therefore in the processor one more
additional line (17-th) address is stipulated, which allows to address
and to younger byte of the data. This line refers to as WTBT (pin 40).
That is, actually, the processor 1801BM1 has the 17-bit bus of the
address, but two bits of this bus (0 bit of the bus of the address and
WTBT) carry out actions essentially distinguished from actions of other
15 bits (1... 15 bit of the address), and we have an opportunity of the
reference to 32 K of words of the 16-bit data, and on bytes - and to 64
K of 8-bit words (bytes)
The basic mode of the processor: the work with the 16-bit data,
therefore processor changes on the bus of the address only meanings in
bits 1... 15, and the changes on a line WTBT and in the zero bite of the
address occur only with detection in the program or special teams of
work to bytes (younger), or with the requirement of the program to
address to the odd address (that is to senior byte). It - basic features
of the processor 1801BM1, which frequently serve for amateurs familiar
on a magazine of "Radio" with the 8-bit processor 580 BM80, source of
all misunderstanding.
There is at the processor 1801BM1 one more interesting feature: it works
with the general (common) bus. That is both address, and the data are
transferred by the processor to other microcircuits on the same lines...
And I are distinguished signals of the address from signals given only
by that first in addition are accompanied by a signal of
synchronization SYNC (SYNCronization, pin 41), while last - signals DIN
(Data IN - data input,) or DOUT (Data OUT - conclusion of the data, pin
37) and, if necessary, signal WTBT. By anything other these signals from
each other do not differ! And if we shall find a method, which will
allow some data too to count as the address, the bus of the address is
increased by 16 bits! (Repeated procedure - more for 16... Etc.). Thus
we shall have an opportunity to be addressed to 231 16-bit words and to
232 bytes or to work from the RAM of volume 2 Gigabytes!!! (Here even by
a bag RU7 will not do without!!!)
Certainly, such of "gigabytion" for a amateurv, and majority of the
professionals-homers is absolute by anything. Therefore to expand the
bus of the address on 16 bits shall not be. If to be satisfied by
expansion of the bus of the address on 8 additional bits, it will give
us an opportunity to address 4 Mbytes.
When the processor run out the program, it is consecutive (with absence
of branchings) gives out numbers of addresses, since 0 (or from any
other = to the address of a beginning of the program). If nothing will
prevent, it will reach the latest address 177777, and it will leave on 0
and further will return to that address, from which began. That is the
processor will bypass complete "CIRCLE" of addresses. For example, the
processor 1810BM86 cannot itself (without the special program) to bypass
a complete circle 1 Mb of addressed memory - for it it is same 64 Kb, as
for the processor 1801. The part of such address circle by analogy to a
geometrical circle usually refers to as as a SEGMENT. However, in the
processor BM1 such segment addressation is not stipulated (though there
are special microcircuits, controllers, the arbitrators etc., but this
exotic is accessible a little). Nevertheless, to organize "artificial"
(hardware-software) segmentation for 1801BM1 does not represent any
difficulties. As it, as it is strange, is stipulated by the electrical
circuit BK-0010! (It is interesting, where that disappeared so provident
" the developer ", if instead of expansion the issue BK-0011 is begun
composed with 0010 only on a network cord!?
The bus of the BK-0010 address is hardware is already divided on 8
segments on 8 Kb or on 4K of addresses in each. Two younger segments
occupies the RAM of the user (to which more all claims by critics). Two
following are occupied by the screen. And in stayed four the
microcircuits of ROM are placed, from which two are least spoiled by
rationalizers only: the MONITOR and TEST DIAGNOSTICS (block MCTD).
Fortunately for the owners BK-0010, it is possible to neutralize "fruits
of rationalization" through a socket of a system bus XT3, and here the
owners "advanced" BK-0010.01 was not lucky, they should open the machine
to cut the pathes going to the out CE (pin 23) microcircuits of the ROM
of a BASIC (of the microcircuit D818 and D819) and to establish a
connection from released pins to a pin 23 microcircuits D820, which
switching-off the rationalizers were compelled to leave, MCTD
differently would not work. (The One who instead of sockets under the
ROM in BK-0010 already rigidly has established a BASIC, it is necessary
to repeat the described procedure. It is enough to them to take out the
ROM from the socket). Though, if yours of BK on a guarantee or you it
would not be necessary to enter the conflict " with a rationalization
idea ", it is possible anything it to not do. The system "BK+" will
work! Only operational system will determine absence of program
management in the appropriate segment and independently "will cut down"
some and your opportunities."
To be continued..
My wife does not support my enthusiasmes for microcalculators and
microcomputers. She forces me, that I held outside of an apartment and
any stuff "did not collect". She asks, what for to me any old small
computers, when I have one present. Andrew! Sometime she will finish me
up to temperature of boiling, I shall become angry and I shall throw out
either calculators or wife!: -). She should understand, that I and mine
calculators is one and too! Love me - love also my calculators..
For now I should work confidentially..
I continue the translation of the article " BK - supercomputer " (part 3).
"Now, if you were reserved in ten microcircuits of any triggers, counters,
multiplexers and logic, and to them have 16 cases of memory of any type, it
is possible to begin!
The whole design will be connected to a socket of a system bus, therefore,
certainly, the socket CH063-64/95-24-2 is necessary which enters into a
complete set of delivery BK (if you already used it for connection of the
printer, it is possible completely dismantle the block MCTD, and
microcircuit from it to mount " by the second floor " direct on anyone of
ROM of the basic scheme, to bend pins 23 and by establishing the additional
switch, as on the circuit given in a magazine " Informatics and training "
(90/4, page 72). By the way, to pull cable, as there it is recommended,
there is no necessity...)
It is best to use microcircuits of series 1533, 555, 176 and 561. With
presence of microcircuits only 155 series should be found two bus shapers of
a type 1533AP6 (555AP6) or series 580 to not overload the bus A/D. (All
system managing signals it is necessary "buffered", for example, by
microcircuits 1533LN1, 555LN1 or any logic). Pins of a socket XT3 for
A/D00... A/D15 accordingly: A31, B31, B29, B30, B28, A28, B27, B32, B26,
A27, B25, A26, B24, A25, B23, B7. On these lines it is necessary to
establish Latch of the address. For it it is possible to use two cases IR22,
IR23, IR27 (it is possible two cases TM9 and one of TM8 and so on). The
address latches a system signal SYNC (pin B22 XT3). It switches off the
third condition on an output of the registers of latch of the address. ( If
in latch TM8-9 is used, they are reset by a system signal RESET with
inclusion BK).
The latch of the address is necessary to fix segment, to which the processor
addresses to generate all necessary signals and their sequences for
interaction of the processor with expansion and for organization of
"internal" work of the Expansion.
As in BK is hardware there are 8 segments, which to us need to be operated
programmly, for it it is necessary to use three hi of the digits of the
address: A13, A14 and A15 (other digits operate expansion within the limits
of a segment).
Segments with RAM of the user and screen is better for not touching. A
segment with ROM of the monitor too... It is necessary to remember, that
without the monitor BK turns in "well-to-do'hard only"!..
But this segment is used in half of opportunities - only for reading. It is
The ROM 1801PE2 microcircuits are arranged in such a manner that when there
is a reference of the processor in their segment and thus the signal of
reading (DIN) is active, the microcircuit gives out the data on the bus, and
then and signal for the processor RPLY (RePLY - response). With absence of a
signal DIN the microcircuit does not react to the address of the segment,
and with absence of a signal RPLY the reaction of the processor is rigidly
determined: it counts 64 steps of the synchro-generator and works further
under the special program of a MISTAKE of the REFERENCE or LAG. That is the
segment ROM of the MONITOR is completely free for record: ROM in any way and
nothing prevents and cannot be as - or "is spoiled" by signals on the common
bus. Therefore we shall establish in this segment one more latch - latch of
the data, which will serve (programmly) a command word of "artificial"
segmentation or WORD of MANAGEMENT of other segments for their use,
similarly to a segment of the monitor, - both for reading, and for record.
This latch is similar to latch of the address and differs only by that the
signal for latching is formed of a signal of decoding of the reference on
record in a segment of the monitor, that is with presence of levels 100 on
the hi bits of latch of the address and active level of a signal DOUT (pin
B21 of a socket XT3). Then (not later, than for 60 steps of the
synchro-generator) the circuit of management should give out a signal RPLY
on pin B20 of a socket XT3, differently processor lags."
To be continued...
I continue the translation of the article " BK - supercomputer " (part 4).
" For what the 16-digit latch of a word is necessary, if we already have
agreed to use expansion of the address only on 8 categories? Business that
it is meaningful to use the following behind the monitor two segments each
separately. And data you see all the same 16-digit. Therefore younger byte
of the data we shall use for management of the segment, nearest to the
monitor, and senior byte - for management of the following segment. (The
latest segment 111 is better by anything, except the ROM MSTD or BASIC to
not occupy, as in these microcircuits the automatic blocking is stipulated
in the field of addresses of the system registers 177600... 177777 - Any
amateur perfomance here, as is spoken, is fraught...).
The segments 101 and 110 form two SEGMENTS of ACCESS to the expansion
controlled by the processor with the help of the address, which has stayed
13 lines, and system signals. Each of bytes of a word of management allows
to include in each of segments of access any of 256 (2 in a degree 8-256) 8
Kb of segments of expansion. (As against the processor 1810BM86, here
segments of access are not blocked in any way, therefore transfer of the
data from one part of the program in other should be carried out
differently). If each of segments of access will use own bank, we shall
receive expansion of volume in 4Mb (8K x 256 segments x 2 banks - 4Mb), but
if to be satisfied by one bank for both segments of access, we, losing half
of volume, receive an opportunity any 8 Kb by blocks of this bank, that is
much more attractive, as and 2 Mbytes to fill by any useful data with "poor"
periphery are not obviously possible, and hardly it is required to somebody
for the "home" purposes.
Now we shall look, what we can insert into this of 2Mb bank?.. Even having
16 pieces 565RU7, we use only quarter of volume of this bank. But it is a
rather interesting quarter! It makes equally 2 digits words of management.
That is, if bank to choose by these quarters, we shall have in bank four
SEGMENTS of CHOOSING on 512Kb each. And in each of them we can arbitrary
choose blocks on 8Kb or WINDOW. The choice of windows will be carried out
with the help of the 6 bits of each byte of a word of management for each of
segments of access in any segment of choosing.
Where it is necessary to insert these two bits of management of segments of
choosing? They should be placed in most younger and in the grown-up bits of
each byte of a word of management. Such accommodation will be well
coordinated with logic of work of the counter of commands, i.e. with its use
for scanning of data in the next windows will not occur switching of
segments of choosing. And use for the same purposes of other register will
allow to carry out scanning with switching of segments of choosing or
without it, depending on desire of the programmer.
It is necessary to distribute duties between these segments. "
( To be continued...)
I offer to your attention the survey article on some computers of family
Sinclair collected in USSR. Review included the basic, most popular models.
However, some models, for example, is industrial made, in the review are
absent. The facts touching my favourite computer Baltic partially are
deformed. On Baltic it is possible to start 3 (!) Operational systems -
standard Basic, built - in original Disk Monitor and from disk to load CPM!
Besides it is rather easy to connect to it any periphery, though it and does
not have the allocated system trunk. Thus, it is interesting, though also
rather disputable article. Here it is necessary to remember, that the
article is written by the inhabitant of Moscow region.
Since 1987, at shop "Pioneer", then on Sokol, in Pokrovsko-Streshnya and
still god knows, where in Moscow, and now at station of the underground
"Tushinskaya" has appeared about ten basic models Spectrum-compatible PC
(personal computers). These models and their various versions make now by
basic park household PC in former USSR, due to their simplicity, cheapness
and huge quantity of the excellent programs. To a radioamateur, and at times
and professional, it is difficult to understand advantages of one models
before others, as practically there is no information on subtleties both
complexities in setup and operation, and also compatibility with the
software. The problem also is, that nowadays, the selling of some models PC
has appeared in a circle of interests of their developers. As a rule, the
information on such of PC - is advertising, and the shadows parties are not
The first mass model has become PC "Moscow". This of PC till now remains by
the most high-grade recurrence of model "ZX Spectrum" from the point of view
of machine cycles and organization of memory (however it complex in
manufacturing and setup, and also requires large number of completions,
which are necessary for bringing in). It is necessary also to note, that in
the television frame at "Moscow" 312 lines, that corresponds to the
standard, instead of 320, as at the majority of other models. Only in this
model braking the processor is stipulated with a video-out and reference in
addresses with 4000H up to 8000H (16384 - 32767 decimal). However
complexities in set-up do PC "Moscow" not enough attractive for beginning
The following step PC was "Baltic" (name has taken place because, that
printed-circuit-board and circuit have developed in Vilnius). The basic
advantage of this model is the simplicity and high safety in operation. On a
printed-circuit-board there are few of corrections, and the computer is
simple in adjustment. But the presence of microcircuits K556RT4 and K155RE3
necessary for organization of machine cycles and work of the videoprocessor,
which are necessary previously for programming, imposes some restrictions on
availability. The rigid organization of machine cycles and essential
differences in organization of work of memory, and also increased thereof up
to 4 MHz clock frequency of the processor, makes this model less compatible
programmly. For these reasons nowadays "Baltic" is distributed a little.
By essential step was the occurrence of model " Moscow 128 " (developed,
most likely not in Moscow). It is the first model, where is used
"transparent" RAM, i.e. the mode, in which processor with the reference to
memory is not braked. As the prototype of this model PC " Sinclair 128 " has
served. But use of memory in critical modes, and also the absence musical
co-processor has made this model by rather poor recurrence. The interface of
the printer LX-print and original programmed joystick were stipulated in
"Moscow 128" for the first time , connection two of Kempston-joysticks and
high-grade TV-RGB an output also is stipulated. Unfortunately, this model
has not received distribution because of small quantity of the programs
designed only under "Sinclair 128", and complexities in setup shown, as
"Failure in RAM".
Most mass model Spectrum-compatible PC without the controller of the disk
drive has become " Leningrad I ". Its basic advantages: simplicity,
cheapness, small quantity of corrections on a printed-circuit-board,
repeatability. Because of absence of the worthy competitors this model has
got large popularity. Unfortunately, it was necessary to pay for simplicity
by bad compatibility. A wrong choice of addresses of ports, and as a
consequence - By-effects and complexity of connection of external devices.
On a printed-circuit-board the system socket is not stipulated, and to
connect any periphery very difficultly. Though the braking of the processor
in a cycle Ml (with choosing of a code of the instruction of the RAM) also
facilitates mode of operations of memory, but strongly harms to
compatibility with the software. Nowadays this model gradually descends from
the market, though also its followers are not deprived of many mistakes,
admitted in it.
the computer "Pentagon" or " Pentagon 48 ", nicknamed so for five-coal
distributing of the earthen trunk on a contour of the printed-circuit-board.
It was first model Spectrum-compatible PC, in which on one
printed-circuit-board the computer and controller of the disk drive is
located. "Pentagon" has borrowed from " of Moscow 128 ", in particular
transparent RAM, addressing of ports, and lacks peculiar to "Moscow 128 "
much. The dynamic memory in this model works on limiting frequencies, and
the printed-circuit-board is divorced by the not best image, because of what
it is necessary to strengthen bus of a power. n a printed-circuit-board
there is no circuit of formation TV-RGB of a signal, and it should be done
from above. As the positive side of this model, is possible is to note the
device of input from the tape recorder (on K561LN2), and as negative -
absence of a system socket. "Pentagon 48 " is popular also now, though the
machine with 128 kilobytes RAM is gradually superseded similar.
Hardly later "Pentagon" in the market there was PC "Krasnogorsk". Is
original model, in which for formation of television signals ROM K573RF2 (5)
with the table programmed in it is used. In "Krasnogorsk" is used, though
also transparent, but the mode, facilitated at the expense of a rigid
machine cycle, of the RAM, on a printed-circuit-board is divorced the shaper
TV-RGB of signals. This version PC has become attempt to correct lacks
"Baltic" and " of Leningrad I ", but because of difficulty of purchase ROM
with the table, complexity of expansion, because of absence of a system
socket and wrong addressing of ports this model has not become same mass, as
" Leningrad I ". Nowadays "Krasnogorsk" is distributed in the market very
little. After occurrence in the beginning of 1990 "Krasnogorsk", by virtue
of a number of the reasons, in the market household PC more than year did
not occur of new models Spectrum-compatible of computers. The occurrence PC
" Orion 128 " on the basis of the processor KR580IK80, with anything not
compatible programmly, has not rendered essential influence on development
household PC.
However spring and summer 1991 in the market has appeared at once some new
models. " Leningrad 2 " represents of improvements variant " of Leningrad I
", in comparison with it in new model is corrected addressingt
Kempston-joysticks, though have remained mistakes of addressing "border" of
a port FE (254). The videoprocessor forms 312 lines in the frame, the
external bus is outside . " Leningrad 2 " is much better than the
predecessor, but, on all visibility, same popular it has not become. One of
the reasons it is the complexity of expansion, as well as at all previous
PC, absence of controllers developed under specific model.
The computer "ZX-PROFI" the first of developed at us of PC, in which besides
a mode 48 and 128, is stipulated also use of operational system ???. The
computer consists of two printed-circuit-board and is combined in enough to
setup, but has the most complete set of periphery in one block. The authors
and distributors will carry out correct market politics directed on a wide
circulation to this model. But their mistake is that complex and expensive
half-professional PC is not necessary to basic mass of the potential
consumers. Advantage of this model is the mode "TURBO", and lack -
Incomplete compatibility both with ZX Spectrum, and with ??? PC ROBOTRON
In comparison with "ZX-PROFI" " Pentagon 128 " has appeared more simple and
mass PC, though, as a matter of fact, it only crossing " of Moscow 128 " and
"Pentagon48" without essential improvement. The machine is difficult in
set-up, is critical to RAM, on a printed-circuit-board there is no place
under musical co-processor AY-8912, but nowadays this computer,
unfortunately, unique.
"ATM-turbo" - Is pure commercial PC. The politics of its authors or
manufacturers focused on protection of "copyrights", most likely, is
directed on reception of the maximal profit to short terms. This,
undoubtedly, original PC is most expensive also complex nowadays. In it some
grafics modes (only in ???) are stipulated, but, unfortunately, these
additions - presence analogue - digital converter, digital-to-analog
converter and elements for the modem and automatic determinant of a
telephone number on one printed-circuit-board, - Nowadays are not maintained
in any way programmly. In the computer there is no sufficient flexibility
and even of a system socket. Similar, the problems of compatibility with ZX
Spectrum of the developers interested a little, and "???" it is possible to
consider as ??? - compatible PC.
On the present time last model is "Angstrem", in it a microcircuit 1515XM1
for the first time is applied. It is a set of counters, multiplexers and
fine logic. Simplicity in manufacturing and cheapness, undoubtedly, will
make in a near future this model popular. But essential step in it was only
technological simplification with use 1515XM instead of a set of separate
microcircuits. Among advantages it of PC - simplicity in setup, and among
lacks small flexibility, in particular, impossibility of expansion of the
RAM and deficiency 1515XM1.
And what is farther? The information on quick occurrence new PC with two
processors Z80 recently is received. From words of the authors, in it all
problems of compatibility, and opportunity of expansion are solved, as
almost. The printed-circuit-board in this model is similar on structure on
Matherboard IBM PC, i.e. with several system sockets. It would be necessary
to trust, that too not advertising. And it is desirable to the developers
new PC to provide: availability, small set of elements, reliability,
openness of architecture (ease of expansion), and from the point of view of
compatibility - Correct addressing of ports, presence on a
printed-circuit-board so-called " f a port FF ", correct situation and
duration of a signal INT (inquiry of interruption). Well, and the one who
does not want to wait (and whether will wait) occurrence "ideal" PC, it is
possible to choose model on taste and pocket. Is desirable to you of good
luck! "
In 1982, the Englishman Clive Sinclaier has invented the 8-digit
computer ZX-Spectrum, which was connected to the TV set and had the
programming language Basic. Soon for it he has awarded a honourable rank
sir, and in USSR this computer has become mass national computer and
radioamateurs, which already have ceased to arrange programmed
calculators: -), have begun to copy the electrical circuit ZX on soviet
element base.
The first popular circuit in 1986-1994 (time their greatest occurrences)
was Leningrad. It was the simple circuit with the least quantity
details and for the first time was thought up in Leningrad. Whence and
name. In Minsk have begun to let out by an industrial image a Vector and
Byte, ZX-Spectrum compatible too. There were more competently thought
over models ZX - later Scorpion (it seems, Moscow) and Baltic (is
developed in Tallin and distribution has received in Minsk). These
circuits differed safety in operation, opportunity of connection of
peripheral devices, including the disk drive. I personally itself have
collected a little Baltik of computers and has set up them. At me till
now is working Baltic with the disk drive. I know three operational
systems for Baltic, including TR-DOS. There were also other clones
As to 16-digit home computers, the soviet designers have let out BK-0010
with the programming language Focal and on the film keyboard. There were
perfect updatings with Basic and contact keyboard later. Then I have
learned, that BK-0010 and its clones were are copied from western model.
For this reason it of all opportunities has not opened. :-( . Itself
programmed on it and even modernized the circuit.
But the epoch of ZX-Spectrum and BK-0010 irrevocably has passed. By it
on change came IBM-PC-compartible.
Received on Fri May 14 1999 - 22:21:33 BST