> I know this is OT but thought you guys and gals might find it entertaining.
> Joe
> >
> >The answer to the eternal question "Is it better to be a jock or a nerd?", I
> >submit the following:
> >
> >Michael Jordan makes over $300,000 a game. That = $10,000 a minute, at an
> >average 30 minutes per game. With $40 million in endorsements, he makes
> >$178,100 a day, working or not.
> >
> >If he sleeps 7 hours a night, he makes $52,000 every night while visions of
> >sugarplums dance in his head.
> >
> >If he goes to see a movie, it'll cost him $7.00, but he'll make $18,550
> >while he's there.
> >
> >If he decides to have a 5 minute egg, he'll make $618 while boiling it.
> >
> >He makes $7,415/hr more than minimum wage.
> >
> >He'll make $3,710 while watching each episode of Friends.
> >
> >If he wanted to save up for a new Acura NSX ($90,000) it would take him a
> >whole 12 hours.
> >
> >If someone were to hand him his salary and endorsement money, they would
> >have to do it at the rate of $2.00 every second.
> >
> >He'll probably pay around $200 for a nice round of golf, but will be
> >reimbursed $33,390 for that round.
> >
> >Assuming he puts the federal maximum of 15% of his income into a tax
> >deferred account (401k), he will hit the federal cap of $9500 at 8:30 a.m.
> >on January 1st.
> >
> >If you were given a penny for every 10 dollars he made, you 'd be living
> >comfortably at $65,000 a year.
> >
> >He'll make about $19.60 while watching the 100 meter dash in the Olympics.
> >
> >He'll make about $15,600 during the Boston Marathon.
> >
> >While the common person is spending about $20 for a meal in his trendy
> >Chicago restaurant, he'll pull in about $5600.
> >
> >This Year, he'll make more than twice as much as all U.S. past Presidents
> >for all of their terms combined.
> >
> >Amazing isn't it?
> >
> >-----------------------------------------------------------------
> >However, if Jordan saves 100% of his income for the next 250 years, he'll
> >still have less than Bill Gates has today.
> >
> >Game over.
> >Nerd wins.
On the other side of the equation, one should somehow factor in the percentage
of people wanting to lynch each of them. Fewer is better. Jock wins.
Jim Strickland
Vote Meadocrat! Bill and Opus in 2000 - Who ELSE is there?
Received on Mon May 17 1999 - 13:47:21 BST